Jeffery Rice

Bible Craftsman Jeffery Rice. check out his work at Post Tenebras Lux.

Bible Craftsman Jeffery Rice. check out his work at Post Tenebras Lux.

Jeffery turns bibles into pieces of art.

Jeffery turns bibles into pieces of art.

The attention to detail is amazing.

The attention to detail is amazing.

What exactly is Bible Butter? Listen to the episode below to find out.

What exactly is Bible Butter? Listen to the episode below to find out.

If your bible is falling apart, Jeffery Rice can salvage it and make it look amazing. Much more amazing is the salvage job God did on Jeffery’s life. Raised in trailer parks, constantly moving and unable to read, Jeffery’s childhood was an absolute mess. He was kidnapped, then robbed at gunpoint before turning to a life of crime. By all accounts, Jeff’s life was a waste until God stepped in. In this episode, you’ll be amazed by the grace of God in the life of Jeffery Rice. Next, Eddie confronts a “Christian” who’s livin’ in sin. What do you say to someone who claims Christ, yet is having sex outside of marriage? Find out on this episode of Romans Road.



Abortion is a word that ignites much emotion. A recent article from disrn reveled abortion as the leading cause of death worldwide in 2019 with 42 million killed. Please read that last sentence again. It’s mind boggling that abortion is a normal part of our society. I believe part of the reason has to do with education. Abortion is obviously murder, and women getting abortions (and the men encouraging them to) are obviously involved in murder, but regardless of the obvious, many Christians have not been educated on how to answer abortion arguments. Consequently, Christians are constantly sucked into silence and misunderstanding about abortion. One man who has made an impact educating Christians on the apologetics of abortion is Michael Spielman. He is the man behind the powerhouse website, You need to bookmark Mike’s website, because this is an issue you need to be ready for. Mike has a way of making this complex issue simple and straightforward, and he did exactly that in this recent episode of Romans Road. Listen to the following podcast, and be ready to answer abortion arguments, for the sake of the unborn.

The Riddle

What would you do if you were walking along on a nice summer day and you saw this sign?

The Riddle can be printed on card stock and placed on an easel, table, etc.

The Riddle can be printed on card stock and placed on an easel, table, etc.

What if you were walking along at night and you saw this sign?

Glowing paint, neon light and evangelism skills are available from Open Air Campaigners.

Glowing paint, neon light and evangelism skills are available from Open Air Campaigners.

If you’re like most people, you would be curious. If you’re like many people, you would stop and try to figure it out, and end up in a conversation about God. How, you ask? How does this sign get people talking about spiritual things? How is it used as a tool for evangelism? For the answer, you need to listen to the latest episode of Romans Road, “The Riddle”. And oh, what a coincidence! Here it is!

Theology and Evangelism Giveaway

Readers are leaders! Win this library and get smart!

Readers are leaders! Win this library and get smart!

The Christian Podcast Community is having an insane book/resource drawing. You can win a library valued at $1,000. Some of the titles include: The MacArthur Study Bible (ESV), Ashamed of the Gospel by John MacArthur, Do Not Hinder Them by Justin Peters, What Do We Believe? by Andrew Rappaport, Clouds Without Water DVD by Justin Peters, and much more, including 3 flash drives full of sound, theological teaching by Justin Peters and Living Waters Ministries. There are many ways to enter (as described on the contest page), one way is to subscribe to the Romans Road podcast (I highly recommend that one). For more info, check out the contest page.

Catholic church vs. the bible

Mike Gendron discusses Catholicism and the bible.

Mike Gendron discusses Catholicism and the bible.

Are Catholics Christians? It’s an interesting question. When I was a Catholic, I considered myself a Catholic Christian. After years of studying the bible, I no longer believe the two terms go together. Most Catholics, when asked if they are Christian, will respond, “I’m Catholic”, so by their own usual response, it’s clear that most Catholics understand that they are different than Christians. You can be a Catholic, or you can be a Christian, but I don’t believe you can be both at the same time if you agree with the teachings of the Catholic church. So, this is where it gets messy. I have met Catholics who believe the gospel according to the teachings of Jesus and the apostles, and these same Catholics do not believe the teachings of their church. In these cases, I would say they are Christian, not because of the Catholic church, but in spite of their church. What makes this issue even more difficult is the emotion that comes into play when discussing these issues with Catholics.

Sometimes when Catholics hear the words, “Catholics are not Christian”, they misinterpret it and hear, “Catholics are not good people.” I do not believe Catholics are bad people, most of the Catholics I know are great people in many ways. When I say “Catholics are not Christian”, I’m referring to the biblical teaching of what a Christian is vs. the teachings of the Catholic church. The two are in opposition to each other, not in a small way. There are differences between, let’s say, Baptists and Presbyterians that do not warrant a claim that either group is not Christian. The same is not true with regards to the Catholic church; the following podcast explains why.

I recently had the opportunity to interview Mike Gendron from Proclaiming the Gospel. After working with Catholics for many years, Mike has an intimate knowledge of the main issues regarding Catholics and the gospel. If you are Catholic, I encourage you to listen. What are the main differences between Catholicism and the bible? If you are a Christian and you have any desire to discuss the bible with your Catholic friends and family, you’ll want to hear what Mike has to say. So please have a listen to this latest episode of Romans Road.  

Jamaica Mon!!!

A nice young man shows me his fat joint during our gospel conversation.

A nice young man shows me his fat joint during our gospel conversation.

That one time I tried not to get high while telling someone about Jesus… In Negril, Jamaica. Smoking pot in public is illegal in Jamaica, but many people do it anyway. I was walking near the beach and a young man was sitting at an outdoor bar, smoking a joint. We got into a great conversation about God, heaven, hell, Christians and marijuana. If only I would have recorded it… Oh wait! I did! Here it is, the latest episode of Romans Road. If you like the episode, please subscribe, it’s free.

Answering Islam

Jay Smith has been evangelizing among Muslim community for longer than many of us have been Christians. In the latest Romans Road podcast, Jay covers the main areas you will deal with when dialoguing with a Muslim about spiritual things. According to Islam:

·      Allah does not enter time and space.

·      Allan is not Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

·      Allah never dies on the cross.

·      Allah does not have a son.

These are the issues religious Muslims care about, and obviously they can cause much confusion in the mind of a Muslim when looking at the God of the Bible. Thankfully, these issues are not difficult to deal with if you are familiar with your bible and a few things from the Quran. So, whether you’re a Muslim or a Christian, check out this super-clarifying episode of Romans Road with Jay Smith.