Don’t be afraid

Eddie Roman was a pro BMX Street Rider. He is now a preacher. This is his journey.

Gospel painting 

This innovative and interactive street painting was done near the Mission Inn in Riverside, CA.

 abortion clinic ministry

John Barros goes to the local abortion mill with Eddie Roman, Producer of Way of the Master, to share the gospel and plead for the lives of the unborn.

Eddie Roman at Berkeley

Why can't Christians just be good and keep their faith to themselves? Eddie Roman answers during an open forum at Berkeley.

Are you a good person?

Ray Comfort’s Good Person Test. A simple way to explain the gospel.

answering skeptics

Was Jesus white or black? How much money do preachers make off preaching? Can evolution proven by means of observable evidence?


A section on hypocrites who call themselves Christians.From the movie Genius.

tears of the saints

The most viewed missions video ever gets a HD makeover and stats update. Preaching: John Piper.